A cheap and effective pull-through for cleaning airguns can be made from a length of .080 weed wacker cord. The plastic cord will not harm the rifling or crown like a cleaning rod will. To make the pull-through you first cut your length and make sure to cut an angle on one end. This angle(point) is used to puncture a patch when cleaning. The other end is melted into a blob using a lighter. I heat up the end then press it against a metal surface to create a flat pad on the end. Then I use a nail file to contour the pad into a size that will perfectly fit the guns bore. File the pad around it's perimeter and keep checking the fit in the bore. When all is completed, a patch is pierced with the sharp end of the cord and slid down to the pad. Then the sharp end is fed into the breach like a regular pull-through. This type of pull-through can be fed into short breach areas where a regular unit cannot because of unflexible metal ends. Later, Todd Cooper (Ontario,Canada) ___________________________ Q-Tip Cleaners A cheap alternative for cleaning pellets in .177 caliber guns is the cotton swab, or Q-tip. I suggest using a wet bore brush first (use 409, for instance), it loosens debris often missed by patches alone. Then insert about 3 swabs into the bore, one behind another, and push all 3 through at once with a smooth ended rod. Repeat if the last swab end out of the muzzle is not clean. Then apply a little Beeman Metalo... or Hoppe's oil to the first of the next series of 3 swabs, and push through again. Your last swab should come out dry, if in doubt repeat. Real cheap, and easier to handle than those stubby little cleaning pellets. EKREALLY _____________________________ Awesome! The dollar store in my area carries a cleaning solution called "Awesome" not only is it a great cleaner around the house but it is a great barrel cleaner too. Mark Ferreira ____________________________ (WEBMASTER'S NOTE: PLEASE FOLLOW YOU OWN MANUFACTURER'S CLEANING METHOD. DAMAGE TO BORE CAN BE DONE WITH SOME SOLVENTS ANDS OILS.) ____________________________